Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grandma's Purple Flowers-Picture Book #5

Author: Adjoa J. Burrowes
Title: Grandma's Purple Flowers
Illustrator: Adjoa J. Burrowes
Readability Score: Kindergarten-Grade 2
Genre: Non-fiction
Sub genre: Biography
Theme: remembrance in the loss of a loved one
Primary and secondary characters: The primary character is the narrator of the story and it's from her point of view. The secondary characters are the main character's mother and her grandma.
Awards: N/A
Date of publication: 2000
Publishing company: Lee & Low Books Inc.
ISBN number: 1-880000-73-3
Summary: This book is about a young girl who narrates her trips to her favorite place, her grandmother's house. On her way there, she picks up many flowers, including purple flowers, who are her grandmother's favorite. The narrator spends many days at her grandmother's baking, talking, and spending time with her. During the winter season however, her grandmother passes away. The narrator is very sad because she misses her. When spring arrives the purple flowers that she and her grandmother had planted began to sprout and the girl is reminded of her grandmother and knows that she is never alone.

This book represents the value of spending time with loved ones and with family. Young children can look up to members of their family and cherish the times they spend with them. This book touches on the loss of a loved and the difficult experiences that come with death. The purple flowers are represented as being the hope in times of suffering. It can also demonstrate that spending time with loved ones is important.

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